Our Products
ZENBES CMU (CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT) is a Precision Engineering Block made by the ISO certified Zenbes S/B using machineries and production processes pioneered in U.S.A.
Since 1999, Zenbes CMU has been used in many commercial, residential and civil projects in Singapore for the following reasons.
High Strength Remarkable compressive strength, low breakage and wastage and suitable for both load-bearing and non lead-bearing construction.
Flexible & Modular Construction Zenbes CMU’s has a footprint about 05 times that of conventional building materials like clay and cement bricks resulting in shorter construction time. Though smaller than panels, Zenbes CMU can be man-handled and does not require hoisting equipment to install. Wastage arising from trimming is minimal. Zenbes CMU can be laid with cement sand mortar or the more expensive thin-joint mortar. The cost and labour of plastering are eliminated owing to its excellent dimensional consistency. Additional treatments with skim coat, paint or sealer may be chosen depending on need. Its hollow core design reduces the load on slabs and the need for excessive and expensive structural design and reinforcements.
Fire Resistance Zenbes CMU is non-combustible and provides exceptional fire resistance (ranging from one to four hours) required by all modern construction.
Sound Insulation Structures constructed from Zenbes CMU perform better in the area of noise insulation and noise reduction resulting in a quieter and more desirable living environment.
Lower Energy Cost The thermal properties of Zenbes CMU ensure that buildings constructed from it are cooler in warm climate and warmer in cold climate, thereby. This reduces the energy cost needed to regulate temperature through air-conditioning or heaters.
Flexible & Adaptable Zenbes CMU can be integrated with steel reinforcement for added flexural and tensile strength. Cleaner designs can be achieved through the embedment of rebars and the concealment of cabling and piping.
S10 Series (for construction of 100mm thick wall)
Size (ave) | : L390 x H190 x W90mm |
Colour | : Natural Grey |
S10 Full Blk
S10 Half Blk
S10 Bond Beam Blk
S15 Series (for construction of 150mm thick wall)
Size (ave) | : L390 x H190 x W140mm |
Colour | : Natural Grey |
S15 Full Blk
S15 Half Blk
S15 Bond Beam Blk
S20 Series (for construction of 200mm thick wall)
Size (ave) | : L390 x H190 x W190mm |
Colour | : Natural Grey |
S20 Full Blk
S20 Half Blk
S20 Bond Beam Blk
Rockface CMU Blocks are commonly used for the construction of retaining wall, sound barrier, planter box, feature & fencing wall.
L390 X H190 X W140 / 190mm
L190 X H190 X W140 / 190m
Natural Grey
Gobi Brown
Sahara Brown
Louvre CMU block was originally design to be used as letter slots at gate posts. Its unique design and properties have resulted in its used as features for both indoor and outdoor structures. It can be used in pairs and combined with fairface and rockface CMU to yield many possibilities and design options.
Placed in the Orientation of L390 x H190 x W140mm

Placed in the Orientation of L390 x H140 x W190mm

Acoustic properties (sound transmission class and noise reduction coefficient) are fundamental requirements in designing noise barrier. The design of noise barrier wall varies from place to place depending on the bandwidth of noise pollution. Noise barrier wall can be constructed using one or a combination of Absorptive, Diffusive & Fairface CMU Blocks.

Acoustic (Absorptive) 140mm thick
Absorptive Acoustic CMU is specially designed with a Helmholtz Resonator to provide maximum absorption of noise from a narrow frequency bands.
Absorptive Acoustic CMU is specially designed with a Helmholtz Resonator to provide maximum absorption of noise from a narrow frequency bands.

Rockface (Diffusive) 140mm / 190mm thick
Diffusive CMU has a random surface terrain that is particularly efficient in reducing noise from broad frequency bands (e.g. vehicular traffic noise).
Diffusive CMU has a random surface terrain that is particularly efficient in reducing noise from broad frequency bands (e.g. vehicular traffic noise).

Project (Fairface)
JTC Food Hub at Senoko
Spore Sports Hub
Kallang Wave
Marina Bay Sands IR
Manjusri Sec School
Project (Rockface)
Loyang Rise
Nim Crescent
Jln Limau Perut
Jalan Mas Kuning
Hort Park
Parkway Parade
Chee Tong Temple
The Rad House
Queenstown Baptist Church
Project (Louvre)
Jln Kerayong
Project (Screen Wall)
Sennett Lane
Wilkinson Road
Evergreen Pri School
Greenleaf View
Lighthouse Baptish Church